Fengqing Lao Cha Tou 2020

Lao Cha Tou (老茶头; literally "old tea head") are compact tea nuggets that form naturally during the wet-pile fermentation process (渥堆; wo dui) used to produce Shu Pu'er. Only about two percent of the total tea weight consists of Lao Cha Tou, which is why they are often described as the "natural essence" of Shu Pu'er. This particular batch comes from the Fengpai Tea Factory, renowned for inventing Dian Hong. Few know, they also excel at producing high-quality Lao Cha Tou, which they store for three years before selling.

When you wake up the thick, slightly furry-looking clumps with water—they prefer it really hot—their aroma fills the air with notes of freshly baked cookies, roasted oats, vanilla, and the sweetness of cherry jam. The first few infusions begin with a light, subtle sweetness, but the liquor becomes thicker and more robust as the nuggets absorb the water. Notes of boiled-down cherries dominate for a time before giving way to the pleasant bitterness of dark chocolate. The initial olfactory impression of cookies also translates into flavor. Much like our Cha Hua Shi, these nuggets can easily keep you company for an entire day when brewed Gong Fu style. For those with less patience, try boiling them on the stove for an exceptionally thick liquor.

Written by Sven

  • ORIGIN: Fengqing, Lincang, Yunnan, China
  • TEA FACTORY: Fengpai Tea Factory
  • CULTIVAR: Da Ye Zhong
  • HARVEST TIME: 2020
  • TASTE: Cookies, boiled-down cherries, dark chocolate


  • Quantity: 12g / 500ml
  • Water temperature: 100°C
  • Infusion time: 10 min
  • Quantity: 5g / 100ml
  • Water temperature: 100°C
  • Several infusions: 30–120 sec.

One or two rinses before infusing are recommended. Increase time for more intensity.
For best results in gongfu cha, brew in the traditional gaiwan or in a Yixing teapot.