Fenghua Qu Hao 2022

Crumpled and folded in half, the dark leaves of this tea may not look too special, especially given the coarser quality associated with a more commonly marketed name: Pan Long Yin Hao. Upon closer inspection, specimens both bright and glossy as well as white and downy promise something more, and their rich scent, cool and spicy, some far away undergrowth, doubles down. The clear infusion recalls both in appearance and taste a dry white wine, with the delicate, building astringency of artichoke heart following a sweet and tomato-y beginning. Something of a trial for our shop, only a limited quantity is available, so be pleasantly surprised like us and take advantage of supplies while they last—and it’s at its freshest.

  • ORIGIN:  Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
  • MEANING:  Fenghua crooked down (Fenghua qu hao)
  • CULTIVAR:  Fujian Dahao
  • HARVEST TIME:  26 March 2022
  • TASTE:  White wine, artichoke heart, tomato
$10.00 $7.00


  • Quantity: 6g / 500ml
  • Water temperature: 80°C
  • Infusion time: 4 min
  • Quantity: 2g / 150ml
  • Water temperature: 80°C
  • 3 infusions: 60, 60, 90 sec

For best results brew in a tall glass and fill with water before adding the leaves. Too high water temperature would burn the leaves, and the tea would taste bitter and sour.